CSR: social commitments

Our Corporate Social Responsibility policy is rooted our own keen willingness to be involved. As a socially responsible company, YAMEO is committed to integrating environmental and social issues in its daily management and in its interactions with external stakeholders.


Our job is also to lead the way towards optimised and environmentally friendly solutions. YAMEO intervenes at all stages of the project to advise and assist its clients in environmental planning choices. For us, today is the time to think and build for our future and to think of restraint as innovative, aesthetic and efficient.


In its daily operation, YAMEO is committed to:

  • Limiting energy consumption: LED lighting in our offices, heating temperature set at the lowest possible level in winter, night ventilation in summer, sun protection and air circulation if necessary... Our offices are located close to public transport, which is used for almost all business meetings. There are no car journeys between home and office. We offer videoconferences when possible (informational or technical meetings) to minimise employee travel,
  • Recycling: paper, batteries, light bulbs, ink cartridges and mobile phones,
  • Reducing waste in our offices: capsule-free coffee, reduction in the volume of paper and ink consumed (On a daily basis: printing in draft quality, double-sided and 2 on 1 pages where possible, reuse of draft paper and sorting of paper for recycling).

Based on its experience, YAMEO is well aware that the size of a company and its ability to respond effectively to the development of a project are not directly related.

YAMEO is pleased to have a network of truly specialised, responsible, motivated and approachable companies, because an architectural project develops, with a team, in a spirit of trust, close and easy communication, individual responsibility, and competence.

This specific positioning gives us the organisational flexibility required to provide a response tailored to the requirements of the project and our customers.

These “close” partnerships enable the implementation of collective intelligence to promote the generation of ideas which can widen the scope of possible solutions.

CSR: limiting the

carbon footprint

“A positive dynamic for the project and its determining factors...”


To our clients
We invest in the well-being of our clients through a consulting mindset that instils a positive and constructive project dynamic. This allows us to move from a client-constrained situation to that of a client-partner where we share the same goals. This vision is also demonstrated through an enquiring spirit, the culture of the project, and listening.

At the end of each project, a satisfaction questionnaire is submitted and the initial feedback has been very positive.


We are also involved in the wider community in two ways: as a donor to the Chaîne de l'Espoir and as a participant in its activities. La Chaîne de l'Espoir is a French association that helps underprivileged children. Since 1994, this association has been working around the world to give them access to care and education. One of its priority objectives is to promote the development of specialised hospital buildings adapted to local needs.

gallery/chaine de l'espoir
gallery/mains partenaires
